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Psalms of My Life

De : Shirley Thompson
Lu par : Emma Martin
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I am just a simple woman who grew up in a town of about five-hundred people. It was during those years that I grew up going to church mostly by myself. I was baptized at a Christian youth camp when I was nine years old.

But when I was a junior in high school, we moved to a larger town, and we lived too far away from any churches to walk to. Therefore, I didn't go to church for a few years. I drifted away from the Lord during that time.

Many of my poems are about true life experiences that were very painful and difficult to overcome. Some Christians would leave these out, but I believe everyone experiences very hard things, including sin!

My desire is to touch the heart of people for the Lord and draw them closer to Him through my poetry. I am after neither fame nor fortune but to edify the church and influence the lost to come to know and have a real life experience with God, our Savior.

Some poems I wrote in five to ten minutes. Others took time and searching within to communicate what my heart needed to say in poetic form.

Through this book, may lives be touched and changed and grow in love for God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

©2021 Shirley Thompson (P)2024 Shirley Thompson
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