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Couverture de Proxy War

Proxy War

De : David Bruns, J.R. Olson
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    In the upcoming global showdown, the U.S. confronts a new enemy on the battlefield: Artificial Intelligence.

    In the heart of Central Asia, a strategic power play unfolds as the People’s Republic of China extends its military might. Under the pretext of protecting their Belt-and-Road projects, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) gains a stronghold in the region. Against this invasion, a courageous band of freedom fighters is the only challenge to the PLA forces.

    On this geopolitical chessboard, the newly elected U.S. President wants to make a bold statement against Chinese expansionism. Don Riley, recently appointed CIA Director of Operations, is chosen to spearhead the critical mission.

    Don launches a clandestine CIA operation to aid the freedom fighters, but as the losses pile up, he realizes they are fighting a new enemy. The PLA harbors a secret weapon—Foresight, a quantum-powered battlefield AI. This advanced system anticipates and counters the resistance's moves with chilling precision, pushing Don to the edge. With each passing day, as Foresight's surveillance net widens, the window for effective resistance narrows. Don and his team put everything on the line. As the resistance draws the PLA into a decisive final battle, he launches a covert team. Their mission: neutralize Foresight.

    Proxy War, the thrilling finale of the acclaimed Command and Control series by ex-submarine officer David Bruns and former naval intelligence officer J.R. Olson, is a high-octane military adventure. A must-listen for aficionados of Tom Clancy and Mark Greaney.

    ©2024 David Bruns and J.R. Olson (P)2024 Recorded Books

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