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Couverture de Protected by the Panther

Protected by the Panther

De : Bella Drake
Lu par : Joe James, Jenny Haring
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    Shes an FBI agent. He made his name running with the notorious Viper gang. Now he's their star witness and her true mate.

    FBI agent Eve Sincero has spent months hunting the ruthless Viper gang, and now one's landed in her lap, but hes not under arrest, he's in witness protection. The only thing worse than having to keep him safe is discovering that he's her fated mate - a realization that makes Eve sick to her stomach.

    Liam Marshall was relieved to walk away from his life of crime, but turning on his gang mates is proving even more dangerous than living with them. The only perk? The sexy FBI agent sent to guard him - except the very sight of him makes her ill. Stuck in a safehouse together, Liam is sure he can overcome her reservations, but a heart is not an easy thing to steal.

    Eve is determined to get the job done and get out, but her inner panther has other ideas about the hot bad boy. But when a secret arises from Liam's murky past, the decision may be taken out of her hand - forever

    Can the power of fated bonds bring the unlikely couple together, or will the past destroy their future?

    Protected by the Panther is the sizzling fifth book in the SWAT Shifters paranormal romance series. If you like fated mates, steamy scenes, and strong heroes, then you'll love Bella Drake's pulse-pounding new series.

    ©2022 Bella Drake (P)2024 Bella Drake

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