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  • Property Investing Roadmap

  • How to Build an Income from Property for Life
  • De : Damian Collins
  • Lu par : Damian Collins
  • Durée : 5 h et 56 min

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Property Investing Roadmap

De : Damian Collins
Lu par : Damian Collins
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    Residential or commercial? Renovate or redevelop? Australians enjoy a feast of options when it comes to the nation’s favourite investment – property. But while most people settle for just one investment property, it is possible to leverage that first property to take your wealth to far greater heights.

    In Property Investing Roadmap – How to build an income from property for life, Damian Collins, one of Australia’s most respected property experts, guides you through the spectrum of property-related choices, from how to buy your first rental property through to sophisticated strategies such as leveraging equity, property development, and diversifying a portfolio through commercial property.

    Inside you’ll discover:

    • Why you need to invest
    • Signs that a property and location have growth potential
    • Strategies to manage cash flow as a property investor
    • How to build a team of experts to guide you on your property journey
    • Why the time to take action is now
    • How to pull off a successful development project
    • Why it makes sense to start with residential and end with commercial property

    A professional property investor for over 30 years, Damian Collins left his career as a Chartered Accountant to build a multi-million dollar personal property portfolio. As founder and Managing Director of residential property investment advisory, Momentum Wealth, and Chairman of WA-based property funds management company Westbridge Funds Management, Damian has championed opportunities for all Australians to reap the rewards of property investing. A former President of the Real Estate Institute of WA, Damian is regularly sought-after for commentary in media outlets as diverse as the Australian Financial Review, Australian Property Investor and Money magazine.

    ©2024 Damian Collins (P)2024 Damian Collins

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