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De : R. K. Gleason
Lu par : Jeffrey Kafer
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Dave and Pam Richter continue their race against time and the plague sweeping through their home state. They’ve watched enough horror movies to know it won’t take long before its tendrils reach past the imaginary borders, infecting the rest of the country, and possibly the world.

Despite their efforts, they continue to face one delay after another in their struggle to lead their family to safety. Their destination lays 2,500 miles away and will set their backs to the Pacific Ocean. But they’re discovering the virus turning the population into flesh eating monsters isn’t the only threat they’re facing.

The military troops sent to contain the outbreak, led by Major Carolyn Brooks, are unprepared for the new, pack-like instincts, cooking in the brains of the infected. Now, the government may be forced to initiate drastic measures in an effort to burn away all traces of the virusite from the face of the earth, before it’s too late.

This is the second book in a series of novellas.

©2019 R. K. Gleason (P)2019 R. K. Gleason
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