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Couverture de Promise to Come Back

Promise to Come Back

De : Sargoon Sh Keso
Lu par : Bill Jacobson
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    Promise to Come Back

    During the Iran-Iraq War that raged for more than eight years, Emad Shamon, a civilian and technician, finds himself drafted into the army outside his will and must face the horrors of war.

    In an era of disaster where his fellow brothers of war may be killed at any point in time, the victims of war are not only the young men who are fighting but also the mothers, wives, and children who wait dearly for the arrival of their loved ones. In the chaos of war, where faith in God is all one can hold on to, Emad befriends an army officer who changes his life forever and falls in love with a woman who loves him more than he could ever have imagined.

    Throughout his journey, the war brings on inconsiderable destruction and steals more lives from Emad than he could have ever thought possible. Will Emad give into the fear and despair that comes with the unrest, or will he embrace love, faith, and hope in the chaos and stay strong despite everything?

    ©2022 Sargoon Sh. Keso (P)2022 Sargoon Sh. Keso

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