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Couverture de Project Lotus

Project Lotus

De : Kimberlee Ann
Lu par : Krista Walker
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    A local celebrity in the arts community of Quesinberry, Lolly Scarberry shines as one of the main acts at the Lotus Theatre. Always one to wear her heart on her sleeve, Lolly earns the affections of others quickly, loving openly and treating everyone with considerable care—even the town’s resident outsider MackLynn Brooks.

    A college transplant, Mack has thought about skipping town every day since graduation, but after years hanging around, it allowed her an accidental meeting with Lolly, and solidified her planting in the town she hates. Typically not one to divulge her feelings, Mack’s emotional state takes a severe shake-up as a result of surviving the awful events at the Valle Mill.

    A few months later, after a rollercoaster night out with a recovered Lolly, Mack unleashes her pent up emotions, driving her into a passionate kiss that leaves her confused. Lolly on the other hand finds herself at little odds with experiencing something new with her friend. In a bold move, Lolly proves her choice to Mack with a mesmerizing return performance. Still unsure about her feelings, Mack finally leaves town to clear her head just as Lolly gets a dream offer that leads her to the dazzling lights of Vegas.

    PROJECT LOTUS is an adult coming-of-age, contemporary, sapphic tale.

    ©2022 Kimberlee Ann (P)2024 Kimberlee Ann
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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