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Couverture de Programmed Cell Death

Programmed Cell Death

De : Jonathan Hendricks
Lu par : Jonathan Hendricks
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    Whose side are you on?

    Adam Baker has everything—a winning smile, a beautiful family, a rewarding career with Big Pharma, and an old friend who wants him dead. Arturo “AJ” Garcia has three dead-end jobs and a drinking problem, and it’ll be a miracle if he makes it to next year. Dr. Mikayla Springer is the director of a world-class research facility, and she’s leading an international team of scientists on a mission to find the ultimate cure: a hypothetical genetic mutation that could rid the world of cancer forever. Mikayla’s project needs a public face, and Adam’s background in fundraising makes him the perfect candidate. But his hallucinations are getting worse, and they’re spilling into reality—with deadly consequences.

    Growing up in rural Minnesota was easy for Adam, but for AJ? Not so much. Now, most of his family are dead, and AJ will stop at nothing until he gets his revenge on the rich white pharma bro who ruined his life. The problem is, killing him would undoubtedly throw Dr. Springer’s project off the rails.

    Former best friends reunited as worst enemies square off in this chilling story of atonement and transformation inspired by Crichton, King, and Lovecraft. There are no clear winners in the morally corrupt landscape of Big Pharma lackeys and desperate underdog drop-outs. Will their reconciliation bring about the post-cancer world—or will they seal humanity’s fate in blood?

    ©2019, 2022 Jonathan Hendricks (P)2022 Jonathan Hendricks

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