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Profiles of KAD Relations with the Black Community: '92 to '20

De : Yi Woo Ae Formerly Ame Ai
Lu par : Yi Woo Ae Formerly Ame Ai
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Korean adoptees (KADs) can be a bridge to the Black Lives Matter movement. The Black Lives Matter movement is intended to highlight that in the US Government and in its criminal justice system, Black lives are valued less than White lives. Even though Black Lives Matter is about the Black community, Yi Woo Ae, a Korean adoptee, establishes that our lives are connected as minorities, and even intertwined. KADs, being both white-adjacent and Asian, can talk with Whites, Asians, and others in a way that supports the movement.

This book is divided into three parts: profiles, background history, and a how-to. Korean adoptee Yi Woo Ae also added a call to action. She first points out how the relationship between Blacks and Korean adoptees is better than what we see in the media, if it's in the media at all. The author advocates for the inclusion of adoption-based and race-based trauma into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). She shares the importance of acknowledging that trauma, as defined in the DSM, is not currently all-inclusive.

Whether we believe we chose our present life or not, we are the bridge between worlds. As a Korean adoptee (or Asian adoptee), we can support the Black Lives Matter movement.

This audiobook comes with an extra chapter, extra interview, and additional content.

©2020 Woo Ae Yi (P)2020 Woo Ae Yi
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