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Couverture de Problem Hunting

Problem Hunting

De : Brian Long
Lu par : Stephen Bowlby
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    A unicorn founder gives step-by-step advice on everything from finding product-market fit to managing investors

    In Problem Hunting: The Tech Startup Textbook, Brian Long offers a tactical approach to building a tech company based on his experience growing a multi-billion dollar software business and selling another business to Twitter for nine figures. This is a daily playbook that any budding entrepreneur will return to over and over again as a reference when building their business.

    Problem Hunting is broken down into chapters giving simple, step-by-step advice for each stage and functional department needed to run a startup tech company: finding and testing product market fit; creating and refining your product; selling and marketing your new solution; hiring your team and building your culture; mobilizing financial, legal, and compliance functions; and pitching investors and securing funding.

    Built upon learning and anecdotes from a unicorn founder, Problem Hunting has everything prospective entrepreneurs and leaders need to start their business.

    ©2023 Brian Long (P)2023 Ascent Audio

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