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  • Pro Leadership

  • Establishing Your Credibility, Building Your Following and Leading with Impact
  • De : Andrew Wyatt
  • Lu par : Andrew Wyatt
  • Durée : 9 h et 1 min

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Pro Leadership

De : Andrew Wyatt
Lu par : Andrew Wyatt
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    Pro Leadership helps aspiring leaders establish their credibility, build their following, and lead with impact. Pro Leadership includes 24 chapters, and each focusses on a pro-leadership principle required to be mastered if a leader desires to “go-pro”. The 24 principles were taken from the yellow legal pad Andrew Wyatt kept in the center drawer of his desk during the 24-year history following the founding of his company. Each time he learned a lesson, he would write it on the legal pad. 

    Many books have been written on leadership. Andrew has read many and believes aspiring leaders would benefit from doing the same. After all, leaders are readers. Pro Leadership is not meant to replace any of those; rather, Andrew’s hope is to add to an already valuable library. 

    In writing Pro Leadership, he had three goals:

    • To offer a fresh perspective on the vital role of leaders
    • To help listeners change the way they think about leadership
    • To inspire, equip, and encourage listeners to “go pro”

    Since Pro Leadership is not a destination, aspiring leaders won’t arrive, unpack, and settle in. Rather, they embark on a journey, requiring them to saddle up and head out. With that in mind, ride on friends!

    ©2021 Andrew Wyatt (P)2021 Morgan James Publishing

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