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Couverture de Prized by the Polar Bear

Prized by the Polar Bear

De : Bella Drake
Lu par : Joe James, Jenny Haring
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    He thinks she's perfection. She thinks he's a dangerous criminal. Can he prove there's more to him than meets the eye?

    FBI SWAT agent Miles Sloane has his polar bear shifter side in careful check. Or he did, until he met his fated mate. Now he's throwing her over his shoulder, and the word kidnap is being bandied about.

    Soraya Whitiker has calculated every step of her life. Nothing happens that she doesn't plan. Successful business? Check. Beautiful home? Check. Until she gets kidnapped by an intoxicating stranger. Sonya knows she should be terrified, but all she can think of is how hot her captor is.

    Alone with his mate at least, Sloane is certain he can convince her that their love is meant to be. The only problem? Her jaded heart has heard every story going, and they're all more believable than his.

    Can Sloane overcome all odds to make her his own, or will he lose his mate forever?

    Prized by the Polar Bear is the sizzling fourth book in the SWAT Shifters paranormal romance series. If you like fated mates, steamy scenes, and strong heroes, then you'll love Bella Drake's pulse-pounding new series.

    ©2022 Bella Drake (P)2024 Bella Drake

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