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  • Prisoner of War

  • What if It Were Possible to Heal from Any Mental Illness?
  • De : John Aconda
  • Lu par : John Aconda
  • Durée : 3 h et 35 min

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Prisoner of War

De : John Aconda
Lu par : John Aconda
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    Step into a haunting vision of the future. In the year 2032, a relentless pandemic grips the world, spreading an insidious madness that knows no bounds. As society grapples with the pervasive grip of insanity, only a few glimmers of hope emerge—innovative technologies promising to shield minds from the relentless torment. But at what cost? Is surrendering one's humanity the only path to salvation?

    In Prisoner of War, the debut novel by John Aconda, an audacious question looms: Can a resolution be found amid the chaos, even without the faintest glimmer of recovery? Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey into the heart of darkness, where courage, sacrifice, and an unyielding spirit may just hold the key to redemption.

    Drawing upon personal experiences, the author deftly weaves a fictional tapestry, echoing the struggles faced on his own path. Prisoner of War is more than a tale of survival—it's a lifeline of hope for anyone grappling with their own mental health battles. Traverse the treacherous landscapes of the mind, as this mesmerizing narrative inspires, uplifts, and reminds us all that even in the darkest of times, a flicker of hope can ignite a profound transformation.

    Prepare to be captivated, challenged, and ultimately empowered. Unlock the doors to your own resilience and embark on a journey of self-discovery with Prisoner of War—a poignant reminder that within the depths of madness, the seeds of healing and hope persist, waiting to bloom.

    ©2021 Meridian Point Ventures, LLC (P)2021 Meridian Point Ventures, LLC

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