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  • Prison of Your Own

  • Break Free of Limitations and Unlock Your True Potential
  • De : Sean Crane
  • Lu par : Sean Michael Crane
  • Durée : 4 h et 8 min

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Prison of Your Own

De : Sean Crane
Lu par : Sean Michael Crane
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    At 23, Sean Crane was sentenced to seven years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. With nothing positive to show for his life up to that point and a massive challenge ahead, he had a decision to make. Would he give up and let the rest of his life pass him by like the first 23 did, or could he face his fears, fight through the pain, and pursue the life he always wanted?

    From a small cement box, Sean was able to take control of his life. He completely transformed his mentality, his routines, and the results he got in his life. "In that cell I started to create the life of my dreams that I am able to live today.”

    Sean Michael Crane is a life coach with an incredible story of perseverance and determination. He has used his hardships and life experience to reach others and inspire them to conquer their fears and pursue the life they have always dreamed of living, just as he has.

    “If I did this from a prison cell, I promise you can take control of your life, too! You deserve it and you are far more capable than you realize!"

    ©2020 Sean Michael Crane (P)2021 Sean Michael Crane

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