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Princess Diana

De : The History Journals, Liam Dale
Lu par : Liam Dale
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Do you want to learn more about Princess Diana, but don’t have time to read huge, long biographies? Then let The History Journals take you on an hourly history tour of her life.

In fairy tales, dreams do come true...little girls can grow up to marry handsome princes, and live happily ever after in beautiful palaces, where they have delightful children of their own, and in time become queen, to rule with wisdom and grace.

But in real life...even when it appears a fairy tale is being played out in the full glare of our modern media age, things never seem to go quite to plan. Such was the life of Diana Spencer.

Diana’s death without doubt marked the closing of an extraordinary chapter in the history of the royal family, but as the years have passed, rather than fading, her memory has lived on to inspire each new generation.

You will learn about:

  • The birth, family life, and upbringing of Diana Spencer
  • From quiet country life to Sloane Ranger
  • The birth, family life, and upbringing of Prince Charles, the future king
  • The wedding, the honeymoon, the births of the future princess
  • Divorce, her charities, her tragic death
  • The legacy and memorials to the people’s princess

The History Journals

We create enlightening history books for people looking to learn about topics in a quick study guide format. Our books won’t take you days to listen to - but can be enjoyed over a cup of coffee and an hour or so of your time. They are the perfect starter to see if you’d like to delve deeper into any specific subject.

©2019 The History Journals, Liam Dale (P)2019 The History Journals, Liam Dale
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