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Couverture de Prince and Pawn

Prince and Pawn

De : Tavia Lark
Lu par : Kirt Graves, John Solo
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    One night of bliss could unravel a kingdom.

    Be obedient. Be grateful. As the neglected illegitimate son of a powerful family, Corin is expected to follow his magic-gifted brother to the palace as a servant. He’s unwilling but resigns and allows himself one night of distraction in a stranger’s arms.

    Corin never knew pleasure and pain could be so exhilarating, so comforting. Corin only regrets he’ll never again see the anonymous man who ruined him for anyone else.

    Until the next morning when Corin meets his brother’s new arranged fiancé.

    Prince Audric doesn’t want a loveless political betrothal, but he’ll do anything for his kingdom. His last night of freedom is a rare indulgence—and a terrible mistake.

    Corin is sweet and beautiful and sees Audric like nobody else does. He’s also Audric’s fiancé’s younger brother. Audric’s arranged betrothal might be a relationship in name only, but he can’t touch Corin again.

    Constant proximity hurts when they can’t be together. But avoidance is impossible when Corin might be the key to unraveling the conspiracy behind Audric’s betrothal—and when Corin keeps fainting into Audric’s arms.

    Prince and Pawn is a high fantasy gay romance with hurt/comfort, forbidden pining, inappropriate use of vines, and more magic tigers. The Perilous Courts series is best enjoyed in order, but each book follows a different prince and his Happily Ever After.

    ©2023 Tavia Lark (P)2023 Podium Audio

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