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Couverture de Primo Levi's The Periodic Table

Primo Levi's The Periodic Table

De : Primo Levi, Graham White
Lu par : Ben Crowe, Akbar Kurtha, Henry Goodman, Paul Copley, full cast, Evie Killip, Janet Suzman
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    Scientist, resistance fighter and Holocaust survivor Primo Levi was one of Italy's greatest writers and an internationally renowned chronicler of human nature. In his masterpiece The Periodic Table, he charts his incredible life story through the medium of chemistry, using the titular list of elements - the building blocks of everything - as a prism to explore his experiences and search his soul.

    In this superlative BBC adaptation, all 21 of the peerless stories in Levi's memoir are incorporated into 11 radio episodes, comprising both compelling dramatisations (starring Henry Goodman as the older Primo and Akbar Kurtha as his younger self) and eloquent readings by Paul Copley, Ben Crowe, Evie Killip and Henry Goodman. The chapters are preceded by a short introductory feature by Janet Suzman, discussing Levi's life and writing and featuring archive interviews with Levi himself.

    We hear of Levi's student days in Fascist Italy, his battles as a partisan, his imprisonment in Auschwitz, his subsequent career as a professional chemist and his imagined meeting with his Piedmontese ancestors - as well as his job in a paint factory in the 1960s and an unsettling encounter with his past. Alongside these autobiographical meditations are fabulous fictional tales of a European prospector, a little girl enchanted by white paint, an 1820s captain living on a remote island with strange chemical properties and the incredible, centuries-long journey of a single carbon atom....

    Named 'the best science book ever' by the Royal Institution of Great Britain, this astonishing compilation fuses autobiography and fantasy, science and emotion, to extraordinary effect. Vivid, powerful and breathtaking, it will surprise, amuse and move you, lingering in your imagination and changing the way you look at the world.

    Written by Primo Levi

    Dramatised by Graham White from the translation by Raymond Rosenthal

    Introduced by Janet Suzman

    Produced and directed by Emma Harding and Marc Beeby

    Vanadium, Part 1

    Older Primo - Henry Goodman

    Cometto - John Rowe

    Dr Muller - Erich Redman

    Younger Primo - Akbar Kurtha

    Lucia - Juliet Aubrey

    Polish overseer - Chris Pavlo


    Older Primo - Henry Goodman

    Cesare - John Rowe

    Jacob - David Horovitch

    Moses - David Hounslow

    Samuel - Sam Dale

    Abigail - Jessica Turner

    Zepora - Debra Baker


    Read by Ben Crowe


    Read by Evie Killip


    Read by Paul Copley


    Abrahams - Paul Hilton

    Maggie - Amelia Lowdell

    Hendrik - Nicholas Murchie

    Willem - Leo Wan

    Andrea - Chris Pavlo

    Gaetano - George Watkins

    Burton - Richard Pepple

    Rebecca - Debra Baker

    Woman - Katie Redford


    Younger Primo - Akbar Kurtha

    Older Primo - Henry Goodman

    Enrico/Marchetti - Caolan McCarthy

    Rina - Debra Baker

    Lazzari - Sam Dale

    Luca - Leo Wan

    Giulia - Rebecca Hamilton

    Caselli - Stephen Critchlow

    Bettega - George Watkins

    Rita - Katie Redford

    Sandro - Andrew Rothney

    Dallaporta - Richard Pepple

    Antaeus - David Hounslow

    Alida - Amelia Lowdell


    Older Primo - Henry Goodman

    Younger Primo - Akbar Kurtha

    Vanda - Rebecca Hamilton

    Silvio - Leo Wan

    Lina - Evie Killip

    Aldo - George Watkins

    Militiaman 1/Prisoner - David Hounslow

    Militiaman 2 - Caolan McCarthy

    Fossa - Stephen Critchlow

    Cagni - Nicholas Murchie


    Older Primo - Henry Goodman

    Younger Primo - Akbar Kurtha

    Alberto - Leo Wan

    Guard - Erich Redman

    Prisoner 1- David Hounslow

    Prisoner 2 - Sam Dale

    Arsenic and Silver

    Older Primo - Henry Goodman

    Younger Primo - Akbar Kurtha

    Versino - Jessica Turner

    Lentini - Nicholas Murchie

    Bruni - David Horovitch

    Cometto - John Rowe

    Lucia - Juliet Aubrey

    Gallery director/Emilio's father - Stephen Critchlow

    Emilio - Caolan McCarthy

    Farmer - David Hounslow

    Customer - Ben Crowe

    Bonino - Sam Dale

    Gina - Rebecca Hamilton

    Vanadium, Part 2

    Older Primo - Henry Goodman

    Younger Primo - Akbar Kurtha

    Cometto - John Rowe

    Dr Muller - Erich Redman

    Lucia - Juliet Aubrey

    Polish overseer - Chris Pavlo

    Postwoman - Debra Baker


    Read by Henry Goodman

    ©2021 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd (P)2021 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd

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