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Couverture de Pretend Princess

Pretend Princess

De : Vivian Wood
Lu par : James Amherst, Carolyn Eve
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    From Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author Vivian Wood comes a new royalty-fake relationship-billionaire romance. Fans of Ruthless Reign by Aleatha Romig, Twisted Games by Ana Huang, and Cheeky Royal by Nana Malone will love this book.

    A listless prince who needs a wife. His gorgeous best friend who happens to secretly be in love with him. A fake engagement proposal that means they’ll have to touch and kiss in public.

    When lifelong friends Lars and Pippa are thrust into the spotlight as Lars, the prince of Denmark, asks Pippa to be his pretend fiancée, their world is turned upside down. Lars, second in line to the throne, is the epitome of a powerful and regal prince, but he's also the cockiest and swooniest man Pippa has ever known.

    Despite harboring a secret crush on Lars since childhood, Pippa has always kept her feelings hidden, knowing that acting on them could jeopardize their friendship and Lars' royal duties.

    As they pose as the perfect couple in front of the cameras, Lars and Pippa must navigate the challenges of royal life, bound by duty and honor. But when no one is looking, Lars whispers tempting propositions to Pippa, igniting a passion between them that's hard to ignore.

    They both agree to keep their emotions in check and avoid complicating their friendship, but the more time they spend together, the harder it becomes to resist the pull of their feelings.

    Caught in a modern fairy tale, reminiscent of Cinderella, Lars and Pippa find themselves drawn to each other in ways they never expected. The chemistry between them is electrifying, and Lars' touch sends Pippa's heart racing. Will they be able to keep their hands off each other and maintain the facade of a fake engagement? Or will they succumb to the undeniable attraction and risk everything, including their friendship and Lars' duties as prince?

    Indulge in an enthralling saga of love that knows no bounds. Enter a world of forbidden passion, simmering desire, and the complexities of duty and honor. If you crave fairy tale romances with a unique twist, this standalone novel will captivate you with its rich and dynamic characters, opulent settings, and a love that defies all conventions. Brace yourself to be swept away in this off-limits tale with a sizzling and unexpected twist!

    ©2020 Vivian Wood (P)2024 Scribd, Inc.

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