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Couverture de Prestigium


De : Joseph Barone
Lu par : Julie Hinton
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    When NYPD Detective Tanya Cora investigates a series of robberies of magical artifacts, followed by the murder of a college student by an apparent vampire, she is forced to consider a world beyond the one she was trained to deal with.

    Even before her homicide assignment, she'd been aware of the magical undertones beneath the veil of reality. She'd dated a vampire in the past who was now dating a werewolf. He was old enough to remember when Masters wielded powers associated with the five basic Weavers: Air, Fire, Clay, Water and Madjick.

    What she didn't know was her special place in the cosmos of Montavia, the name of her realm, situated between the Sky and the Under Realm, and smack in the middle of all the others. And because she was special, she became the target of the cult of Malentia, the Weaver of dark magic.

    Caught in a rapidly heating cold war between the Legion of Malentia who seek to destroy all non-dark magic, and the Grand Weaver Society whose purpose is to protect it, Tanya's responsibility becomes the salvation of all magic from the hands of darkness.

    ©2016 Joseph Barone (P)2016 Joseph Barone

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