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Couverture de Present


De : Courtney Ellis
Lu par : Nan McNamara
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    In a world marked by transience, envy, and rootlessness, committing to staying put is a radical, unusual act. Hungry for rootedness, Courtney Ellis and her family decided to truly commit to a place and a people God had given them for a season, to grow some deep roots and discover what it would mean to be “all in.”

    Through winsome storytelling, Courtney demonstrates that there is tremendous growth when we stop holding a community at arms’ length and open ourselves to the blessing of stability, the grace of limits, and the joy of presence.

    This audiobook is divided into these three major sections, with chapters devoted to each of the gifts that come with our increased attention to being all in—fully present, right where we are. Join Courtney for a thoughtful, funny, and realistic exploration of stability, limit, and presence as means of grace. Journey deeper into the heart of God that calls us to cultivate community—being present to what God has placed before us—and discovering the gifts of the present. Delve into reasons listeners might experience transience, how to press in when called to that, and how to know when it’s time to move on. Explore the ways borders and boundaries in our lives are for our good.

    When we are able to really commit, beautiful things can happen. With humor and honesty, Courtney draws in listeners who are longing for that rootedness, trying to figure out how to make this place their own.

    ©2022 Courtney Ellis (P)2022 Dreamscape Media

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