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  • Prepper’s Water Purification Survival Bible

  • How to Find, Harvest, Filter, Purify, and Store Water Off the Grid
  • De : Johnathan Nash
  • Lu par : Bill Ayers
  • Durée : 3 h et 2 min

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Prepper’s Water Purification Survival Bible

De : Johnathan Nash
Lu par : Bill Ayers
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    What happens when you turn on the tap and no water runs out? Or you are far from civilization and freshwater? We can go at most for three days without drinkable water, but what then?

    Water is the most fundamental of survival needs.

    While many communities around the world are used to struggling with water shortages, many of us have no clue what we would do in this sort of situation.

    Setting up a reliable source of drinkable water is not something that is easily done overnight…. It pays to make these plans well in advance and slowly put resources towards a trusty water source that can keep you and your family safe and hydrated and meet basic hygiene needs too. Being prepared for a short-term evacuation is important. But, as we know, some disasters can go on for quite some time, and we may be stuck sheltering in place, so long-term solutions are also needed.

    Whether you’re looking for short-term or long-term solutions, this handbook has got you covered.

    In this practical and easy-to-follow guide, you will discover:

    • How quickly we can dehydrate, what the warning signs are, and how to avoid severe dehydration
    • How much water you need per day – for a child, adult, or larger family
    • How to assess your water needs and current resources, and come up with the best plans to ensure a reliable water supply, whether you are staying put or bugging out
    • What is required to store enough water at home, safely
    • The best ways to store water for longer periods of time
    • The secret to creating water stashes on a bug-out trail
    • Where to find water in an emergency, and how to know if it is safe to drink or not
    • How to make sure water is safe to drink by filtering and purifying it, using many different methods based on what you have at hand
    • What water is never safe to drink and why
    • Different water types, from fresh, gray, to black water, and what you can do with each kind
    • The secret to maintaining proper sanitation, even when there is no running water–based on proven methods
    ©2023 Larry Nicholson II (P)2023 Larry Nicholson II

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