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Couverture de Pregnancy


De : Judith Cara Margot
Lu par : Cassandra Hoyt
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    Have you recently found out that you are going to have a baby? Have you been thinking about getting pregnant?Are you a dad, or soon-to-be father, who is looking to understand what your partner is going through and how you can help?

    If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this audiobook is for you.

    Pregnancy is a wonderfully scary time in a woman’s life. To be fair, it’s probably quite scary for the man, as well. While men don’t actually have to physically go through labor, they are there with the woman every step of the way. This can be confusing for the man - to not know what he should and shouldn’t do and say. During this time the woman is going through a lot of changes, mentally and physically, so it’s a stressful time for both.

    Being prepared is something every parent tries to do during this time, and understanding the process of pregnancy does truly help a parent become prepared. Sometimes, surprises do still happen, even if you have read a lot, but with your knowledge and the knowledge of your doctor, there won’t be any surprise that you can’t overcome.

    This book is here to help you to get through this phase of life with a little less stress and a little more understanding. It is designed to help the father or the mother. It will take you through pregnancy, childbirth, and the first year of life.

    In this audiobook, you will learn about:

    • What happens to the body during pregnancy
    • What to expect during childbirth
    • How the first week of being a new parent could be like
    • What are helpful tips for dad along the way
    • How you can use music during pregnancy
    • What are the best sleeping positions
    • And much more...

    This is a wonderful change in your life, and it doesn’t have to be full of stress and the unknown. Knowledge can help reduce these feelings and put you on the right track for making happy memories in your life. Whether you are currently pregnant or thinking about having a baby, this audiobook can help you get prepared. If you want to dispel the rumors surrounding pregnancy and make sure that you are ready for this new phase of life, don’t wait any longer. 

    Get this audiobook today and be ready for when that little bundle of joy arrives!

    ©2019 Judith Cara Margot (P)2020 Judith Cara Margot

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