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  • Praying Scriptures Over Your Children

  • 30 Scriptures Based on Daily Declaration of God’s Purpose for Your Children’s Lives
  • De : Sarah Fisher
  • Lu par : Skye Alley
  • Durée : 2 h et 15 min

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Praying Scriptures Over Your Children

De : Sarah Fisher
Lu par : Skye Alley
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    Prayer is the acknowledgement and experience of God’s presence, as well as the invitation of his presence into our lives and circumstances. Prayer is seeking the presence of God and unleashing the power of God, which provides us the tools to overcome any obstacles that may come our way.

    As parents we want the best for our children, which includes shielding them from any risk, worry, or trouble that life may throw at us. But sometimes our best efforts and suggestions are insufficient, and we may seek guidance from higher power. Prayer for our children is one of the most important things we can do for them, since it may keep them safe and supported during difficult times.

    In this book, Praying Scripture Over Your Children, you will see and understand how parents should pray for their children successfully, and why it can be such a beneficial tool. It will also serve as a guide to pray for your children through the scriptures.

    ©2023 Sarah Fisher (P)2023 Sarah Fisher

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