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Praying Angels

De : Katie Kelley
Lu par : Tasha Guevara
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This compelling novella, Praying Angels, is full of artful deceptions, unforeseen connections, and heartbreaking abdications. This is literary fiction inspired by true events. The troubled waters of an Irish Catholic childhood propel protagonist, Joseph Dempsey, into a life of successful abundance, but did it prepare him for a severely challenging adult life?

A sorely taxed Joseph Dempsey becomes a man on a mission. While Joseph struggles not to lose faith in everything he has ever believed in, he wrestles with unfamiliar frustration, unintended consequences, and an uncertain future. Joe finds himself placed in a position of having to trust a health-care system that, for him, had proven itself untrustworthy years before. Seeking vengeance through transparency and against the wishes of his family, an angry Joseph enlists the aid of an unknown novice writer, Elizabeth Allen, to ensure his thoughts are properly chronicled.

Elizabeth finds herself in awe of Joseph's faith and candor, and a rather unlikely connection between the would-be storyteller and the writer is formed. As Joe faces an unwarranted and unpleasant demise, she finds the previously silenced Joseph willing to stand virtually naked and endure a self-imposed emotional cleansing while he attempts to excavate his demons. That's only if time or his family should allow.

©2023 Katie Kelley (P)2024 Katie Kelley
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