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Prayer Warrior

De : Marlysa D. Gamblin
Lu par : Laketta Brazzle
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Marlysa D. Gamblin is living proof that the power of prayer is available to all of us. God took her from being someone who did not regularly pray growing up to someone who prays in all things and sees supernatural breakthroughs in her normal daily life!

In Prayer Warrior, Marlysa provides detailed, inspiring accounts of times she encountered God through everyday, practical blessings and full-blown miracles! From escaping near death encounters to healing from loss, the common theme in every story is the power and practicality of prayer! Through her trials and testimonies, Marlysa has learned how to seek God’s face, discern God’s voice, and live out God’s amazing plans for her life through prayer. Now, it’s your turn.

Prayer Warrior breaks down simple steps you can take to strengthen your prayer life and become the prayer warrior you were always meant to be! Whether you are a lifelong believer or new to faith, this audiobook will challenge you to go deeper, experience God in new, revolutionary ways, and be purely amazed by the power of prayer.

©2022 Marlysa D. Gamblin (P)2022 Marlysa D. Gamblin
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