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  • Practical Strategies for Parenting Your Child with ADHD

  • Daily Steps to Nurture Your Child, Foster Healty Relationships, and Develop Behavioral Skills to Help Them Thrive!
  • De : Carrie Allen, Thomas Allen
  • Lu par : Megan Wilkey
  • Durée : 3 h et 40 min

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Practical Strategies for Parenting Your Child with ADHD

De : Carrie Allen, Thomas Allen
Lu par : Megan Wilkey
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    Do you feel overwhelmed by your child's behavior, like you have no control and are losing ground as a parent? You're not alone! It is estimated that around 2.2 million children under the age of 11 have ADHD. Are you afraid to give your child ADHD medication because of what you've heard about side-effects? The American Academy of Pediatrics says that 45% of preschoolers receive behavior therapy before being prescribed medication.

    Are you worried about your child being bullied or have seen people treat them differently? If any of these questions hit home for you, then it's time for a change.

    In this book, we provide chapter-after-chapter of knowledge, tips, tricks, tools and strategies to help you and your child build skills to flourish! You can help your child develop focusing skills, emotional control, and the ability to plan, prioritize, and organize; Break down large tasks into manageable steps and learn to follow a daily routine and create their own good habits; Tackle forgetfulness, self-awareness, time-management; Learn to avoid distractions and minimize meltdowns; Develop empathy, social awareness, and build friendships.

    And for you as the parent we will provide: Fundamental skills to create a calm, structured, and distraction free home; Key Takeaways and Activities to help you focus on specific areas of their behavior; Recommendations for evidence-based treatments you should start with and how to continue therapy for them as they develop; Data-driven methods to identify trends in their behavior and measure progress; Tools to help build resilience and deal with bullying.

    Our hope for this book is not only to provide you with strategies to help create the peaceful home and happy family you desire, but also with tools and activities to help you take action.

    ©2024 Thomas Condon (P)2024 Thomas Condon

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