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  • Powerful as F*ck

  • Own Your Sh*t. Live the Life of Your Dreams.
  • De : Morgan Field
  • Lu par : Morgan Field
  • Durée : 7 h et 49 min

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Powerful as F*ck

De : Morgan Field
Lu par : Morgan Field
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    Take your power back. It is time to reclaim your birthright of unshakable knowingness of self and worth, to truly and fully live your most epic and legendary life. Powerful as F*ck lays out a path to being who you were born to be. This is a handbook for stepping into authentic power and creating the life you've always dreamed of living.

    ©2020 Morgan Field (P)2020 Morgan Field


    "This book is like getting hit upside the head by a 2x4 of awakening. Morgan has lovingly and bluntly captured some of the most vital arenas of self-reflection and awakening to true potential. You simply can’t go back to unknowing the self-awareness you will discover along the way." (Liz Corwin, owner and creator of Walkabout Yoga)

    "Deliciously blunt. Boldly unapologetic. Powerful as F--k is an uncompromising, witty, and lavishly frank invitation to get out of your own way and into your dream life." (Theora Moench, executive coach and business consultant)

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