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  • Power Your Happy

  • Work Hard, Play Nice, and Build Your Dream Life
  • De : Lisa Sugar
  • Lu par : Lisa Sugar
  • Durée : 4 h et 32 min

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Power Your Happy

De : Lisa Sugar
Lu par : Lisa Sugar
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    Lisa Sugar has an amazing job. She spends her days at PopSugar creating content about pop culture, must-have handbags and makeup, healthy recipes, and Instagram-worthy sweets. She manages an enormously successful, growing company with employees who love what they do. And her life is just as great at home. She and her husband have three daughters, and she's the number one soccer mom who loves reading bedtime stories every night. 

    How did she do it? By figuring out what her dream job was, taking risks, and believing in herself. And now she wants to motivate others to do the same. She wants to show them how to live colorful, interesting lives where every second counts. 

    She'll do so by sharing her personal and business story. Lisa knows that creating your dream job requires hard work, patience, and experience. She'll give advice, in big and small ways, about exactly how to do that, from starting a company to ditching a relationship that isn't working to becoming a fabulous boss. And with the great, accessible writing style that has made PopSugar such a hit, she'll make it fun! 

    ©2016 Lisa Sugar (P)2016 Penguin Audio


    "Sugar presents tactics for networking and crafting a resume or cover letter, and describes her experience creating and leading a successful team. Her commentary on 'having it all' is astute...there is plenty of helpful guidance here for those just setting out on establishing themselves." (Publishers Weekly)

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