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Couverture de Power Score

Power Score

De : Geoff Smart, Randy Street, Alan Foster
Lu par : Randy Street, Alan Foster
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    ghSMART, the bestselling team behind Who: The A Method for Hiring, returns with a breakthrough formula for how the best leaders and teams deliver results.  

    “ghSMART is the world’s top firm for helping leaders hire talented teams and run them at full power. Nothing is more important.”—Marshall Goldsmith, bestselling author of Mojo and What Got You Here Won’t Get You There   

    “The most useful book about leadership.” That is what we hope you and your team will say after finishing Power Score.   

    Is your team running at full power?   

    Only 10 percent of leaders run their teams at full power.   

    The formula you are about to learn is based on the most extensive research of its kind, spanning more than 15,000 careers with over 9 million data points. The idea has been battle-tested for more than two decades by leaders in every major industry. It works. Successful leadership starts with three key questions:   

    1. Priorities—Do we have the right priorities? (Only 24 percent of leaders do.) 

    2. Who—Do we have the right people on the team? (Only 14 percent of leaders do.) 

    3. Relationships—Do we have the right relationships that deliver results? (Only 47 percent of leaders do.)   

    Learn how to calculate your team’s Power Score, and how to improve each of the three key areas of leadership. Learn what to do, and what not do, from compelling statistics and inspiring stories of those leaders who have succeeded and those who have failed. You may be surprised how easy it is to read this little book. And you may be even more surprised by how fast this approach will boost your team’s results.   

    When you dial up your team’s Power Score, you will make a greater impact as a leader, help your team earn more money for your cause (whatever your cause may be), and enjoy greater career success.

    ©2015 Geoff Smart, Randy Street, Alan Foster (P)2015 Random House Audio


    “Shaking distrust out of an organization is hard. But the payoff is immense. Bravo to Smart, Street and Foster for sharing their ideas about how to make that happen.”—Forbes

    “[Power Score] offers insights on improving in each dimension and inspiration. It’s written briskly, in a question-and-answer format that keeps ideas clear and concise. The book’s a winner and maybe you will be too if you try its approach.”—The Globe and Mail

    “The power score is the secret sauce that gives the group the information needed to fix problems. The authors provide plenty of guidance presented in an accessible Q&A format.”—Success

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