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Power Marketing

De : Gráinne Farrell
Lu par : James Killeen
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    Finally a book that tells you how. This book will teach you "how" to grow your businesses in a simple way.

    Marketing can work wonders when applied correctly, even the smallest of tactics could yield high returns. And it is not rocket science. There are easy to implement strategies that sole traders and small to medium businesses can use which will bring immediate results. This book covers the whole spectrum of improving your businesses strategy with a step-by-step guide at the end to help you on your way. 

    There is little point improving one element of your business without considering all the aspects. Yes, if you improve your social media, you will see results. But only for a short time. Marketing tends to get itself a bad name as when not applied correctly, it can be seen to eat into revenue with little results. In this book, you will receive solid information that businesses need to know when it comes to their customers and the market they are targeting. 

    Each marketing initiative is explained in layman's terms and guidance given on how they should be applied. In time, you will only commit resources to platforms that work for your business and where you get results. No more wasting budget on poorly executed marketing strategies. To be a leader, you must be seen to be a leader - and when opportunity comes knocking, you will be on top of your game! 

    The book is written by Gráinne Farrell, a strategic marketing consultant and digital marketing lecturer with nearly 20 years marketing experience across many sectors. Are you ready to take your business to the next level ?

    ©2021 Grainne Farrell (P)2021 Grainne Farrell

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