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  • Potty Training: 3 Days to Potty Train Any Child Without Driving Everyone Crazy

  • De : Jennifer Nicole
  • Lu par : KC Cowan
  • Durée : 1 h et 49 min

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Potty Training: 3 Days to Potty Train Any Child Without Driving Everyone Crazy

De : Jennifer Nicole
Lu par : KC Cowan
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    Make potty training a complete success with the best-selling potty-training book used by millions of parents. After years of work as a private potty-training coach, Jennifer Nicole is finally ready to reveal her secrets to potty training your child in just three days. Many children are able to learn toilet training in less than a day. Each child is unique, and Jennifer's system is designed to help every child get ready to use the potty.

    Learn how to:

    • Develop your own potty language
    • Make your child feel comfortable on the potty
    • Help your child turn accidents into positive learning experiences
    • Give your child the correct praise so that they love the potty

    Jennifer also covers everything you need to know to continue your potty success after your long weekend - from trips to the mall to visiting your relatives. This book will teach you everything you need to know to get ready for the great potty-training adventure - from choosing the right tools and strategies all the way through dealing with bed wetting and multiple children.

    ©2015 Jennifer Nicole (P)2015 Jennifer Nicole

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