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  • Positive Parenting for Toddlers

  • Effective Discipline Strategies to Calm the Chaos, Create Deeper Connections and Raise Confident, Responsible and Respectful ... Your Cool (All Things Parenting, Book 1)
  • De : Alma Aldrich
  • Lu par : Sarah Kuklis
  • Durée : 4 h et 4 min

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Positive Parenting for Toddlers

De : Alma Aldrich
Lu par : Sarah Kuklis
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    Do you want to calm the chaos in your house without struggle or guilt?

    Are you tired of being an irritable, reactive, and restless parent?

    Do you want to create a deeper connection and meaningful relationship with your child?

    This essential guide will help you unlearn reactive parenting and keep your cool even in the middle of chaos. The book is packed with powerful evidence-based, practical methods to help raise confident, responsible, and resilient humans.

    As a mother of 3, including twin toddlers, Alma Aldrich shares her struggles with toddler tantrums and how she managed to overcome them while enjoying parenthood with twin toddlers.

    In this book, you will discover..

    The four common parenting styles (and the influence they have had on us)

    The three-step plan to follow when you lose your cool!

    Self-care for parents (You cant pour from an empty cup).

    How to overcome the mom guilt?

    How to become a proactive parent?

    Why your toddler behaves the way they do?

    How to approach challenging behaviors without losing your cool?

    How to connect with your toddler before correcting?

    How to get them out of temper tantrums?

    How does a positive parent handle challenging behavior?

    How to help your toddler deal with discomfort?

    Confidence-building mechanisms.

    The best way of teaching them lifelong values!

    How to promote good behaviors in your children from an early age?

    How to teach them about choices and consequences?

    The impact positive parenting has on marriage?

    How to sustain a positive relationship with your toddler?

    If you want to overcome toddler meltdowns and enjoy peaceful and joyful parenting ---BUY NOW

    ©2024 Fardowsa Aamin (P)2024 Fardowsa Aamin

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