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Couverture de Political Art of War

Political Art of War

De : Shawn R Frost, Sun Tzu, Gary Gagliardi
Lu par : Blaise Frost, Shawn R. Frost
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    Are you thinking of running for local office, but don't know where to start? Start with shaping the most important weapon in the political strategists arsenal: the human mind.

    This book is based on 2,500 year beta-tested and proven principles. Sun Tzu was a military strategist and General who defeated an army 10 times larger than his by using strategic agility.

    Sun Tzu's treatise on military strategy has been studied in business school, sports, and of course in the Military Service schools and fighting units.

    Two books in one! This audiobook includes Gary Gagliardi's award-winning translation of Sun Tzu's "Art of War" and the political adaptation by one of the top political strategists in the game. Now you can use it for your local election.

    Why local elections? Because that's where these ideas work best and will give the reader a competitive advantage. Not only have the concepts been proven out by 2500 years, this book includes chapter summaries based on the last 10 years of experience winning 93% of our races.

    Master the concepts in this book, or be defeated by someone who has.

    This is the guidebook used to help shape the political landscape in Florida since 2014. The author, Shawn R. Frost, has used this book to get bills passed, candidates elected, and help launch political committees and movements.

    Frost's former clients, friends and colleagues regularly appear on FoxNews, NewsMax, OANN, Daily Wire, CNN, MSNBC, and in print everywhere. He considers himself to be a slightly smarter version of Forrest Gump in that he has had a front row seat to history. All because he mastered the mindset and skills contained in this book, and the courses at Science of Strategy Institute and he practiced and refined them at his consulting firm, MVP Strategy and Policy LLC.

    Learn the political art of war, or become a casualty.

    We believe in you. Go win. Then listen to this book again and again to make winning an instinct.

    ©1999, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2013 MVP Strategy and Policy LLC dba Science of Strategy Institute, Shawn R. Frost (P)2024 MVP Strategy and Policy LLC dba Science of Strategy Institute

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