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Couverture de Polishing the Path of the Soul

Polishing the Path of the Soul

De : Sandra Ingerman MA
Lu par : Sandra Ingerman MA
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    “In the depths of darkness, we often find our truest light,” teaches Sandra Ingerman, “not by escaping our shadows, but by walking through them with courage, purpose, and love.” With Polishing the Path of the Soul, this renowned teacher offers a step-by-step guide for journeying through the dark night of the soul, illuminating how to reweave our destiny, foster forgiveness, and awaken our inner resilience.

    This audio resource is infused with tremendous thought and care, reminding us that even in our most difficult moments, we are not bound to the shadows. Sandra Ingerman speaks with gentle compassion as she shares shamanic rituals, practical techniques, and invaluable guidance to help us move out of darkness and back into the light, so we may reconnect with the sacred flow of life that awaits us.

    Whether we are grieving the loss of a loved one, navigating the end of a relationship, or coping with an ongoing sense of dissatisfaction with life, these teachings have a way of nurturing us with a powerful healing elixir—one that fosters wisdom and brings us hope when we need it most.

    ©2024 Sandra Ingerman (P)2024 Sounds True

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