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Couverture de Police King

Police King

De : Earnest Lee, Mikah Reign
Lu par : Kimberly Yvonne Steele
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    Thaddeus King is a seasoned police detective who tackles a series of high-profile homicides, unraveling a web of corruption that extends deep into the heart of the city police force and the county government. When the quiet city streets of Fort Worth, Texas are terrorized by a Serial Rapist and Sequence Killer, Funky Town’s finest is assigned to the case.

    Detective King, a Law Enforcement veteran of the City of Fort Worth’s police department, finds his entire career in jeopardy when he attempts to solve this complex case. Haunted by his own demons, Thad struggles with his past failures as a father, being a half-hearted lover and discontented with his city for its racist police force.

    Love, lust, and Law Enforcement all intertwine as Detective King becomes infatuated with an extremely fortunate surviving victim of the killer. Thaddeus’ excessive appetite for sex, clouds his judgement while he gets closer to apprehending the murderer. As Thaddeus is propelled into his own personal hell, his life becomes a world wind of lies, deceit and heartbreak.

    Police Detective Thaddeus King wrestles with licentious impulses, resentment of policing disproportionately targeting minorities, and personal obligation to combat evil in his community. In “Police King”, Thaddeus aims to apprehend a ghastly serial murderer who discards the remains of victims at a lake after defiling and murdering these unsuspecting women.

    As Detective King pursues the killer, he is distracted by his lusts and finds himself frequently at odds with the police department that employs him. As Black people stand against social injustice and protest systemic racism, King grapples with the conflict of being a black law enforcer as he struggles to stop the slaughter of young women by a serial murderer. In the end, Detective Kings’ good looks, charm, and charisma just may lead to his own demise.

    ©2023 Mabel Candy Writers LLC (P)2023 Mabel Candy Writers LLC

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