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Couverture de Point of View

Point of View

De : Sandra Gerth
Lu par : Rosemary Benson
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    Point of view (POV) is one of the most powerful tools in a writer's kit, but it's also one of the hardest to understand and master.

    In this book, Sandra Gerth draws on her experience as an editor and a best-selling author to teach you how to handle point of view in a way that will make your readers identify with your main character, draw them into the story, and keep them captivated until the very last page.

    The book provides concrete examples and exercises that will hone your writing skills.

    Whether you're a novice writer working on her first story or an established author, this book will help you to:

    • Discover what point of view is and why it's so important.
    • Understand the different types of point of view such as first-person, third-person, omniscient, and deep POV.
    • Choose the point of view that works best for your story.
    ©2016 Sandra Gerth (P)2022 Tantor

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