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Pod Your Way to Success

De : Christine Blosdale
Lu par : Christine Blosdale
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    In this transformative guide, Podcast Coach and #1 Bestselling Author Christine Blosdale equips ambitious business owners like you with the superpowers of podcasting, empowering you to become a true marketing superhero. With Christine’s two decades of expertise in broadcasting and podcasting, along with her simple and fun coaching style, you'll be able to craft captivating content, amplify your brand, and captivate audiences like never before. Discover how to create a podcast concept that resonates and structure episodes for maximum impact. Forge unbreakable connections, convert listeners into devoted customers, and position yourself as the undeniable authority in your field.

    Pod Your Way To Success is the definitive roadmap for business owners seeking to unleash their inner superheroes through podcasting. With Christine as your coach and mentor you’ll be able to elevate your brand, captivate your audience, and harness the immense power of podcasting to achieve unrivaled business success. Christine Blosdale is also the #1 International Bestselling Author of Podcastonomics, Podcast Pro and Your Amazing Itty Bitty Podcast Book. For more information on her podcast coaching programs visit

    ©2023 Christine Blosdale (P)2024 Christine Blosdale

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