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Couverture de Pockets of Grace

Pockets of Grace

De : Heidi Gessner
Lu par : Heidi G. Gessner
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    Gessner's world was turned upside down when her beloved, yet complicated, father was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer during her heartbreaking divorce. Struggling with despair, she received an unexpected visit from a mysterious, benevolent guest with the important message: You are not alone! That moment changed the course of her life and her career. At the threshold of death, she found connection, meaning, and depth, which led her to work with dying and bereaved people so they wouldn't feel alone.

    This book results from what she experienced working as an end-of-life professional for nearly 20 years. Gessner shows us we aren't left on our own on this earth; instead, the divine is woven into all we do in ways we don't often imagine. With the pandemic subsiding, many express not wanting to return to the way things were.

    With guidance and inspiration from patients, poets, saints, and even birds, she leads the listener to a new way forward. This book is for anyone wrestling with spirituality and grief, as Gessner addresses issues about being human, grieving, and growing.

    ©2023 Heidi G Gessner (P)2024 Heidi G Gessner

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