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Couverture de Pliosaur


De : Russ Elliott
Lu par : Tom Taverna
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    An ancient ship lost at sea.

    In 1852, a whaling vessel killed a bizarre creature the length of a whale...but it was no whale. Soon after, the ship went missing, along with any evidence of their find. Was the encounter true, or merely a legend? The public could only wonder as newspapers of the day spread the story across Europe. A mystery that would go on to haunt and taunt cryptozoologist through the ages...until now.

    Archeologist John Paxton has always been eluded by the great find. But his luck is about to change on a mysterious island near South Africa. An island that holds the deadly secret behind the ancient ship's disappearance.

    But the riddle of the ship is soon eclipsed by what John uncovers next. He encounters a lost civilization with a plan straight from hell. Within the caverns beneath the island, the tribe worships and nurtures a prehistoric marine reptile that could engulf T. Rex. The size of a sperm whale, and equipped with 10-foot jaws bristling with 18-inch teeth, this pliosaur is the last remaining member of the greatest predator species that ever lived. Only then does John realize the islanders' true agenda to unleash the leviathan on the modern world to fulfill their bloodlust for revenge.

    Now John finds himself in a desperate hunt to stop the 50-ton killing machine before the Ivory Coast washes blood red. A suicidal mission that will take him to the deep-sea floor, and face-to-face with the deadliest predator of all time.

    ©2015 Severed Press (P)2022 Severed Press

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