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  • Playing with a Full Deck: Stories of Hope in Hard Times

  • An Aces High, Jokers Wild Collection
  • De : O. E. Tearmann
  • Lu par : Kirt Graves
  • Durée : 11 h et 23 min

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Couverture de Playing with a Full Deck: Stories of Hope in Hard Times

Playing with a Full Deck: Stories of Hope in Hard Times

De : O. E. Tearmann
Lu par : Kirt Graves
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    Sometimes life deals a bad hand. But it’s all about how you play the cards.

    Solidarity in the face of oppression. Songs in the dark. Finding hope in spite of the odds. Thirteen stories set in the dystopian universe of the Aces High, Jokers Wild series keep fighting the good fight in the darkest of times. Characters from the pens of O.E. Tearman, Michael G. Williams, Alex Silver and their colleagues haven’t been dealt good cards in life. But in this book, they show us how to play the game.

    Maybe they can even show us how to win.


    Burn Card

    Tomorrow Will Come

    After Hours

    The Square Dance Rap

    Bad Hand

    Follow The Lady


    Bottom Dealing

    Draw Out

    Come Tell It To The Mountain

    Fill The Pot

    All Amped Up

    Call the Clock

    ©2023 Amphibian Press (P)2023 Amphibian Press

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