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Couverture de Playing with Fire

Playing with Fire

De : Kelsie Calloway
Lu par : Misty Diamond
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    Maxwell doesn’t give a dang about his bad reputation…until curvy Miss Brielle makes him want to improve his station.


    I’ve known men like Maxwell Dalton, smooth talkers who only want one thing. As a photographer shooting their Man Of The Month calendar, I don’t care. I’ll give him that one thing and be on my way.

    Maxwell is as hot as the fires he puts out and twice as interesting. He’s got a reputation for breaking hearts, but I won’t let him break mine. As far as I’m concerned, we’re a one-night stand waiting to happen.

    Until he wants more. Can bad boys be reformed?

    Playing With Fire is book one in the Cedar Falls Fire & Rescue series featuring sexy firefighters and the curvy women they’ll burn it all down for. These fiery books can be listened to in any order.

    Happily ever after guaranteed!

    ©2021-2022 Kelsie Calloway (P)2022 Kelsie Calloway

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