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  • Playing the Field While Maintaining the Upper Hand over the Elite

  • Billionaire Babes Club, Vol. 3
  • De : Arabella R. Irvine
  • Lu par : Sophia Boyd
  • Durée : 3 h et 16 min

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Playing the Field While Maintaining the Upper Hand over the Elite

De : Arabella R. Irvine
Lu par : Sophia Boyd
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    Playing The Field While Maintaining The Upper Hand Over The Elite (Billionaire Babes Club Vol. 3) is a book filled with provocative, raw, stories and provide a front row seat to the glamorous dating lives of the Secret Society. The thoughtful dissection, wisdom, and teachings that follow will help women navigate these circles and attain financial freedom.

    Why aren't you living your Dream Life? When are you going to stop blaming it on this generation of men, the city you live in, or, the economy?

    The Secret Society has no room for excuses. Today is the day you take control of your love life and have a Provider man take care of YOU. You're not meant to take on life alone!

    This isn't a book catered to the desperate, nor written by men trying to make money off of women's issues. It's the Billionaire Babes Club. The ladies who come together and share dating, friendship, and life secrets that will hold true for decades. They will be etched into the history books. We stand together and give you the upper-hand in ALL your relationships. You will not only control the wealthy men in your life but confidently navigate the Elite circles as a whole.

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    Do you want to look back on your life and regret the back-to-back dating sabbaticals you took all in the name of Healing?! You pretend you are working on yourself and are at peace with the lonely, independent life you trapped yourself into. Masking your desire for a relationship with a full schedule of strict gym mornings and lazy Netflix evenings. Your Provider man is not breaking into your house to find you. And he is surely not your Uber Eats delivery driver.

    Billionaire Babes Club Volume 3 is not for the weak. Listen to this book and stop the wishful thinking, make it a Reality. From friendships, to romantic relationships, Billionaire Babes Club Volume 3 will reset and transform your connections forever.

    ©2023, 2024 Arabella R. Irvine (P)2024 Arabella R. Irvine

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