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Couverture de Platoon F: Comedy Sci-Fi Bundle

Platoon F: Comedy Sci-Fi Bundle

De : John P. Logsdon, Christopher P. Young
Lu par : John P. Logsdon
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    Find out what the F in Platoon F truly means...
    Captain Don Harr is being punished due to a mistake made by the military. He's basically "taking one for the team," even though he's doing so under protest. He has been physically altered, given a new identity, and placed in charge of the antiquated ship known as The SSMC Reluctant.
    His crew is full of misfits, including a by-the-book first-officer who dreams of one day becoming the captain of the ship, a surfer-type ensign who always has pervy thoughts on his mind, and an old-style engineering robot from the G33Z3R line who fittingly calls himself "Geezer."
    Their first task is to fly The SSMC Reluctant around the planet in celebration of her fiftieth anniversary. Simple, right?
    Too bad things change when new orders arrive. Harr learns their true goal is to destroy a nearby Kortnor space station, making it look like an accident. Worse, his commanding officer is expecting there to be no survivors...on either side. So, yeah, it's a suicide mission.
    ...and that's just book one. Imagine how crazy things are going to get by the time you're listening to book 10!
    In this bundle, you'll get:
    * Mission 1: The SSMC Reluctant
    * Mission 2: Angry Robots
    * Mission 3: The SSMC Voyeur
    * Mission 4: Earthlings
    * Mission 5: Synthetic DNA
    * Mission 6: Warped Conduit
    * Mission 7: Kidnap on Fantasy Planet
    * Mission 8: Veli Unveiled
    * Mission 9: The Search for Veli
    * Mission 10: Uniglobe
    * Bonus Mission 1: Liberating the Package
    * Bonus Mission 2: The original Angry Robots (Yes, there was another...)
    There are also bloopers, so be sure to listen to the entire thing to really get your laughs in!
    This series is not intended for children. It contains adult content, language, and situations.

    ©2013, 2024 John P. Logsdon & Christopher P. Young (P)2024 John P. Logsdon

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