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Couverture de Planning for the All-Star

Planning for the All-Star

De : Leah Busboom
Lu par : Renée Chambliss, Alexander Cendese
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    He's a celebrity baseball player. She's an event planner with a secret crush—on him. Should she continue to hide her feelings or should she let him into her heart?


    My old high school crush just hired me. Me, the awkward, studious 4.0 student who spewed fire retardant all over him when he set the chemistry lab on fire. I doubt he remembers me because he went on to score a major league baseball contract. Can I plan his party, while keeping my heart safe from his magnetic charm that I unfortunately still find irresistible?


    I wasn't expecting to recognize my new party planner. She's the pint-sized dynamo that could win a debate against Abraham Lincoln. I've always been overwhelmed by her brains and her beauty. Grams and Gramps deserve a spectacular party—I hired Arielle because she's the best in the business, but she intrigues me beyond "just business" and now I'm determined to win her heart.

    You'll laugh out loud as Arielle and Griff work together to get ready for a party in a crumbling Victorian mansion with one unforeseen disaster after another.

    Can the endearingly awkward party planner and the charming baseball star find their HEA?

    ©2023 Leah J Busboom (P)2024 Tantor

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