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  • Plan and Organize Your Life

  • Achieve Your Goals by Creating Intentional Habits and Routines for Success
  • De : Beatrice Naujalyte
  • Lu par : Gina Rogers
  • Durée : 5 h et 44 min

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Plan and Organize Your Life

De : Beatrice Naujalyte
Lu par : Gina Rogers
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    If you want a true lifestyle change, start with your habits.

    Learn about how to get more out of life, design your days intentionally, and create meaningful work from podcast, YouTube, and Instagram star Beatrice Naujalyte.

    Start planning for success. 

    Plan and Organize Your Life is a comprehensive and interactive "planning bible", packed with proven advice on how to get organized, how to embrace simple habits, and how to work your way towards true self-improvement and personal development.

    Organize your life. 

    In Plan and Organize Your Life, author Beatrice Naujalyte introduces us to the four pillars of an intentional life: planning, organization, productivity, and routines. With these simple tools, you'll be able to master everything from effective note taking to minimalist workspace organization.

    Design a system that works for you. This book is the ultimate guide to developing a planning system to effectively execute your daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals. Whether you have professional, personal, or creative planning to do, this book helps you accomplish your smallest and biggest goals by creating new habits and setting realistic goals.

    ©2021 Beatrice Naujalyte (P)2021 Tantor

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