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  • Plan a Happy Life™

  • Define Your Passion, Nurture Your Creativity, and Take Hold of Your Dreams
  • De : Stephanie Fleming
  • Lu par : Heidi Petak
  • Durée : 2 h et 40 min

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Couverture de Plan a Happy Life™

Plan a Happy Life™

De : Stephanie Fleming
Lu par : Heidi Petak
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    With all the good stuff you need to know about maximizing your hours, Plan a Happy Life™ is a jump start to tackle an overloaded schedule and plan a happy and satisfying life.

    Today's everyday life can be busy, but it doesn't have to be mundane or chaotic! The creators of the Happy Planner® know that the secret to living a happy life is all in the planning. A life bursting at the seams with meaning, fun, and work worth doing doesn't just happen: You have to plan for it.

    Plan a Happy Life includes strategies, systems, and methods for permanently getting organized, prioritizing what's most important to you, and living intentionally. Here you'll find great ideas for:

    • Celebrating the ordinary (dance party in the kitchen, anyone?)
    • Discovering new ways to serve others (that will fit into a busy schedule)
    • Finding your happy even on the tougher days
    • Making the most effective lists (Hint: It involves stickers)
    • Filling your life with gratitude
    • Controlling your calendar so you can live each day fully - and colorfully! (a step-by-step guide)
    • And much more happy planning (seriously, you have to plan fun in your life!)

    Make the most of your most valuable resource - time - and have a blast doing it with Plan a Happy Life.

    ©2020 Stephanie Fleming (P)2020 Thomas Nelson

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