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  • Plan C from Outer Space

  • Little Alien Encounters, Book 5
  • De : A. Little
  • Lu par : Owen Samuels
  • Durée : 1 h et 53 min

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Plan C from Outer Space

De : A. Little
Lu par : Owen Samuels
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    Dave knew he’d done a very bad thing.

    Tired of only being liked for his money, Dave had decided to make people take notice of him because of who he was. The problem was, that a guy who liked to go on bike rides through the neighborhood he lived in and occasionally the nearby park and spent the rest of his time watching cartoons and reading adventure and fantasy stories written for children was not someone particularly noteworthy. At least, it didn’t seem to be. But a guy who went on real adventures straight out of stories, well, that was a whole other matter. He’d just gotten caught up in the neverending need to top his last podcast so he could stay on top, and boy, did he ever regret it. He’d even lost his best friend thanks to his stupidity.

    Yirtl was very, very good at dealing with naughty Little Boys.

    As a trained assassin battle medic turned personal bodyguard to King Tadtin and his Consort, Baby Koo, he knew there was one very naughty Boy out there who needed saving from himself and he was just the Daddy to do it. When he’d first heard the story of how Koo came to be rescued, he convinced the king to find out more about the idiots who abandoned him along that lonely road. Finding out that Dave was the driving force behind the stunt and who he really was when home alone sealed the deal. Now, Yirtl just needed to retrieve him so he could begin correction.

    Enter Intergalactic Rescue, who’s just been handed a rescue op by royal decree. Dave has no idea that his next ride into adventure is about to begin and Yirtl has a surprise in store too. A surprise named Tony.

    ©2024 A. Little (P)2024 A. Little

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