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Couverture de Pivotal


De : Stephen Shapiro
Lu par : Stephen M. Shapiro
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    In our fast-paced modern world, uncertainty and confusion have become the norm.

    But it doesnt need to be this way.

    Pivotal offers a powerful antidote to the dizzying spinning and relentless chaos overwhelming countless organizations (and individuals) today.

    Through tools that enable you to discern genuine opportunities from mere distractions, you can create stability in both your professional and personal life.

    The concept of stability is akin to a basketball player executing a pivot. While one foot moves in a circular motion, the other remains anchored to the ground.

    The unsung hero is the foot that doesn't move, as it provides the solid foundation and stability needed for future shifts.

    This book champions the planted foot. By focusing on what doesntand shouldntchange, you can build a robust foundation that supports future shifts without wasting valuable resources on bright, shiny objects or fleeting fads.

    The emphasis has always been on whats next. But sometimes, we need to focus on whats now.

    Being pivotal emerges from a place of powertoday. It involves knowing where to channel your resources for the greatest impact, allowing you to offer clarity and direction to your employeesand in the process, becoming irreplaceable to your customers.

    Stop the spinning and start winning.

    ©2024 Stephen M. Shapiro (P)2024 Stephen M. Shapiro

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