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Couverture de Pinot Rocks

Pinot Rocks

De : Michael Browne
Lu par : William Shatner
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    Intense, but elegant. Spirited, yet refined.

    The complexities that describe Michael Browne’s wines describe his life experiences, too. With a tumultuous childhood and an adolescence filled with feelings of isolation, Michael joined the circus when he was 12. By 18, he was a featured performer, fire-eater, unicyclist, high-wire walker, and trapeze artist. But it was during his work in the restaurant industry years later when Michael realized the simple beauty - and potential - of family and friends enjoying the perfect bottle of wine together.

    Michael co-founded his first California winery, Kosta Browne, in 1997 with a few hundred dollars and the goal of helping people create meaningful moments with one another. In Pinot Rocks, Michael shares his journey and offers insight and inspiration for those who believe in the American dream and choose to never stop pursuing it. No matter the goals you set for yourself, this book will motivate you to follow your passions and turn your dreams into reality.

    ©2020 Michael Browne (P)2020 Lioncrest Publishing - Michael Browne

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