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Couverture de Pieces of the Perfect Man

Pieces of the Perfect Man

De : Dr. Valarie Dunn
Lu par : Leslie Riley
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    Dating has become an absolutely grueling task! When women share their dating experiences and expectations, very rarely do the expectations and the experiences match up. Are the single women’s expectations too high? Do we need to “lower our standards”, as many would say? 

    The answer to that question will be determined, so stay tuned.

    How many times have you heard: “You are being too picky. No one is perfect. If you keep this up, you will be alone forever.” After this is drilled in your head, time and time again, you begin to doubt your expectations and standards which leads to doubting your own self-worth. Doubting your worth begins a downward spiral of subjecting yourself to men who should not occupy your space and time.

    Our expectations and desires for men fall within three main categories: personality, pockets, and passion. The three pieces of the perfect man! You want the whole pie. And why shouldn’t you have it? You deserve it, don’t you? Yes, we all deserve it! This audiobook examines why there always seems to be a missing piece.

    About the author: Dr. Valarie Dunn has experienced the complete cycle of relationships from single, married, divorced, dating, and married again. She is no stranger to education, earning her doctoral degree of education and has always had a natural heart for educating and empowering women. Her entrepreneurial spirit has led her to maintain several successful businesses where she has mentored and advised women on getting established in their business ventures. She is now happily married with a beautiful family.

    ©2017 Valarie Dunn (P)2020 Valarie Dunn

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